Accountancy, baking and classic cars; xylophones, yachting and Zumba – whatever your business, video is a fantastic way to tell people about it! Videos cut to the chase and give customers an immediate feel for a product or a service. They can tell a prospective client a lot of information in just a couple of minutes, using sound and animation too. If you’re in any doubt about the power of video, ask yourself this: can you read while the TV’s on?

If you think your business won’t translate to video, think again. There are videos about the written word, about taxes, electrical components, child psychology and parcel tape (!) – all are informative, persuasive and successful.

 Vim and Video – why your business should harness this powerful medium

In the internet age, your business has two important groups to reach out to: your customers and the internet search engines. With a video, you’ll get them both on board.

Let’s imagine a potential customer is booking a holiday. They’d like a look round the hotel and a quick tour of the local attractions. Say, for example, they’re buying a vacuum cleaner: they want to know if it’s easy to operate and if it’s going to fit under the stairs. If they’re hiring a business consultant, they’ll want to know what services are on offer and the consultant’s track record. All these things you can demonstrate really clearly with a video.

Corporate videos are a really strong way to show a business audience what your brand is all about.  Video can form the cornerstone of your company’s presentation during sales pitches and client meetings, creating a memorable picture of your products and ethos.

A great quality of video is that it makes customers feel like you’re speaking to them directly. Your business may not have a bricks-and-mortar shop but, with a video, it can create an impression of personal service, instantly engaging customers and making them feel valued.  What better way to turn window shoppers into real customers?

If you’d like to see the theory put into practice, watch one of my videos here:

Now, we all know that people buy from people and you can’t beat a personal recommendation. But for all that, SEO (search engine optimisation, a.k.a. making Google like your website) matters too. You’ve probably noticed that a video nearly always tops your internet search, regardless of what you’re looking for. Videos do really well on search engines because so many people are looking for them. This means they’re a great way of getting people over to your website. They also keep visitors there for longer, making their page views count and improving your search engine rankings.

Video’s such a versatile marketing tool; it’s quick, clear and engaging.  I hope this helps and if you need any help getting started, just give me a call or drop me an email.


Web video illustration

Roll camera! And…..ACTION!