The new VoiceOver Voice Studio is here!

Well, it’s been a couple of months since moving studios and house for things to fully get set up, but can finally show you around…
Anyway here’s a sneak peek into Robin Studios where I continue to provide high-quality voice overs for projects large and small.
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I also am able to hire the studio out to fellow voice actors and voiceovers, along with creatives and people producing podcasts.
For full details on the studio hire please visit this Studio hire page.
Robin Studios is still based in Guildford, Surrey, but just on the outskirts in a village called West Clandon. There is Clandon Station just a couple of minutes away, so it is easily accessible for people coming from London or other parts of the country and plenty of space for cars. You won’t have to pay for parking here…
If you have any queries please feel free to drop me a line…
Voiceover studio in Guildford providing professional voiceovers & studio hire. Experienced and trusted Posy Brewer voice actor – BAFTA member Posy Brewer Female UK Voiceover Actress